Adding Peer Caches to RoboMX 2.07/2.08

Recently with the changes in the Peercache host names, users of RoboMX 2.07/2.08 have been having to make changes manually.  Because it's a simple procedure but the first time can be tricky, here is a guide to show you exactly how it's done.

Open your RoboMX client and click on the 'View' button located near the top left of the screen.
Then choose the 'Options' from the menu.

Once you have clicked on the Options Tab, the Settings box will appear.  
You'll notice a list on the left side, under this list is a tick box 'Show Expert Options' as shown below.

Once you have ticked this you should see some new choices in the list.  The one to select is 'Network'.
On this page you will see the 'Edit PeerCache-servers' button near the top right side, click this.

Once you have clicked this a new box will appear like the one below.  
We've got one universal address now that contains all current caches for bot and chatserver use now:

Once you have entered that click the OK button on this screen, then Apply button at the bottom of the main settings page, then OK again.

That's it, restart your RoboMX client and it should be fine.

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